Sunday, May 29

SW3: The Marxist dream analysis

In much the same way every homepage must have an underexposed picture of a cat, every blog must have some sort of opinion on Star Wars 3.

Well, I'm sorry. I don't have an opinon, I only have the objective truth.

I appear to be in the wrong focus group

Seems I've gone into a fully-fledged she-author webcomics stupor.

It started innocently enough, with a mild fanboy-demeanor over Snail Dust — quirky style, dadaist April Fool's, an explosive blend of very wacked-out brains and some quite down-to-earth – well, relatively down-to-earth – storylines...

Then I began hitting Okay Pants for the ultimate in pencil-drawn turbodada — it's the adventures of a girl without any whites in her eyes and her sidekick the tie-wearing mushroom. High drama ensues when she discovers her best friend is in fact the cure for the cruel sickness which induces Pokémon hallucinations in her. Can it get much better?

The answer is, yes. I was finally seduced by the stylish inks and espresso attitude of C'est La Vie, and now I can't make up my mind who to stalk, and in fact, whether I ever feel like reading comics by men again.

There should be a women's webcomic guild, or something.

...oh, right. I forgot.